星期二, 4 月 1, 2025

$280k for ‘unnecessary’ raised pedestrian crossings in village

Auckland Transport is considering installing pedestrian crossings on Cook Street and Selwyn Road by the Picton Street roundabout in Howick. Times photo Wayne Martin

About $280,000 may be spent to install two raised pedestrian crossings in Howick village.

The Howick Village Association (HVA) opposes the Auckland Transport (AT) proposal and says it was unaware of it until informed by Pakuranga MP Simeon Brown.

The crossings are to be placed on Selwyn Road and Cook Street near the Picton Street roundabout.

They’re unnecessary, may worsen traffic congestion in the area, and could cause crashes, the HVA says.

Deputy chair Gerald Patterson says they may pose “severe safety issues” due to their proximity to the roundabout.

“If a car is coming out of Picton Street turning left and it stops all of a sudden because there’s a pedestrian there [on the crossing], and if there’s a car behind them turning right into Cook Street, it could cause a crash or frustration with delays.

“There are [pedestrian refuge] islands there so people can cross over. We have no idea why it’s being done.

“I would have thought the time when there are most people in that area would probably be when there’s something on at the [All Saints] church, otherwise it’s just the shoppers or residents of the apartments.”

Patterson is also surprised to see an AT document detailing a design of the crossings dated January 2023, indicating the work has been under way for some time.

The HVA has contacted AT to express concerns about the proposal and ask for information relating to its cost, timeframes, and the number of car parks that will be lost.

It told the agency the planning, implementation and details “seem to have been withheld from all businesses and community who will be affected by this installation, plus those organisations directly responsible for the betterment of Howick village”.

AT spokesperson Natalie Polley told the Times the project is still in the early design stage so the agency has not yet undertaken formal public consultation with affected parties or external stakeholders.

“Once a feasible design solution has been developed we will share it with the external parties and seek their feedback on the project.

“This public consultation process is expected to take place in the coming months.”
Polley says the current estimated cost for the project is $280,000.

“No timeframe has been confirmed for the project at this stage due to unconfirmed budget.

“As the project progresses, we will provide regular updates on the AT project website which will become available when the public consultation opens in the coming months.”

She says AT is committed to delivering its ‘Vision Zero’ strategy and providing safer crossing facilities across Auckland.

Part of the strategy is ensuring if a crash happens at such a location, it’s at a “survivable speed”, which is at or below 30kmh.

“Raised zebra crossings are proposed at this location because it’s one of the most efficient ways of slowing down high driver speeds near pedestrian crossings.”

Polley says the proposed crossings are within the Howick town centre, which pedestrian surveys have found has a high demand for such improvements.

“The proposed changes aim to make it safer for people to get to schools, local shops, and bus stops.”

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