星期一, 1 月 6, 2025

3000 homes planned in Beachlands

An artist’s impression of Beachlands South Marina Point and coastal path.

A Beachlands development will include about 3000 dwellings as well as commercial, retail, education and open space amenities once fully developed.

Beachlands South Limited Partnership has applied to Auckland Council for a plan change necessary to facilitate the development of a coastal urban neighbourhood at the waterfront site.

The acquisition last year comprises around 250 hectares and consolidates the Formosa Golf Course land (170.5 hectares at 110 Jack Lachlan Drive), as well as a property of 80 hectares at 620 Whitford-Maraetai Road.

Beachlands South Ltd Partnership is jointly owned by the Russell Property Group and its partners the NZ Super Fund, local iwi Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki and Hāpai Development Property LP.

Russell Property Group managing director Brett Russell said they are providing modern sustainable, high quality housing choices and lifestyles with linkages to improved public transport services.

He said the masterplan includes improvements to the landscaped environment including coastal boardwalks, community playgrounds, parks and open spaces. It will provide a catalyst for the community to get new primary and secondary schools and the planning provides space for both of these and future planning for the next 15 – 20 years at Beachlands.

“Through world-class leading edge sustainable design, we have proposed quality infrastructure solutions which can be delivered at a minimum cost to ratepayers. This is exactly the sort of development our city needs if it is to address the housing crisis,” Russell says.

Innovative and sustainable solutions for water, wastewater and stormwater have been developed, he said.

“We have also been heavily-focused on the environment, sustainability and carbon neutrality,” Russell said.

“Quality modern development showcases the natural environment and its ecological beauty and that is exactly the approach we are taking.”

Once fully developed, the multi-use 255 hectare Beachlands South development will include about 3000 dwellings as well as commercial, retail, education and open space amenities. The development will also create a significant level of commercial and economic activity and jobs within its area, he said.

Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki exercises mana whenua for the Beachlands area and has been heavily involved and fully supportive with progressing the development to this point. Hapai is an iwi-owned property fund that currently has 20 iwi investors. These entities recently acquired a collective 5 per cent equity stake in the Beachland South Limited Partnership.

Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki chairman James Brown said, “We are focussed on expressing mana whenua and mana moana in our rohe and particularly around Beachlands – an area we know as Kahawairahi and Kauriwhakiwhaki.

“The partnership with the NZ Super Fund, Russell/Bassett whānau interests and Hāpai, shows a genuine commitment to long term outcomes – environmental, cultural, social and investment.  We intend to be fully engaged as kaitiaki and owners as part of this auspicious property development,” Brown said.

Hāpai chairman John Spencer said, “As a collective of iwi investors, Hāpai is pleased to partner with Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki in joining the Beachlands South Limited Partnership and ensuring the aspirations and values of the iwi are enhanced, in addition to creating long-term value for our investors.

“Beachlands South will not only recognise the permanence of Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki to the whenua, through its intergenerational master planning and development, but will also deliver economic value for iwi and deliver on much-needed scale housing solutions for Aotearoa.”

NZ Super Fund head of direct investments Will Goodwin said Beachlands South is a key part of the fund’s growing domestic real estate portfolio.

“In line with our commitment to sustainable finance, we aim for Beachlands to deliver both attractive commercial returns and excellent environmental and social outcomes for the local community. We are delighted to be backing this Russell Property Group-led development alongside Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki and Hāpai Development Property.”

At the heart of the partnership’s thinking has been meaningful consultation with the local community and stakeholders so that the partnership can nurture that of which they are most proud, address concerns they have and solve problems they are currently experiencing, said Russell.

This included two community open days to get alongside and engage with locals in December.

“The feedback we got through these open days was overwhelmingly positive. There is an excitement about what we are proposing and the clear message we got was… please get on with it,” said Russell.

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