星期二, 4 月 1, 2025

Alliance to deliver busway’s next stage

The next stage of the Eastern Busway project links Pakuranga and Botany. Image supplied

The Eastern Busway public transport project has moved another step toward completion with the agreement for delivery of its next stage being awarded.

The next section between Pakuranga Town Centre and Pakuranga Creek includes the long-delayed Reeves Road Flyover.

Auckland Transport (AT) says the agreement being awarded follows completion of an extensive pre-delivery investigation, design and planning phase for the busway’s next stage, which “continues to make good progress” toward Botany Town Centre.

It will be delivered by an alliance of AT with Fletcher Construction Infrastructure Ltd, Acciona Construction NZ Ltd, AECOM NZ Ltd, and Jacobs NZ Ltd, in partnership with mana whenua.

AT interim chief executive Mark Lambert says the busway will give nearby communities great options for using public transport and will be a vital part of the public transport network in Auckland for decades to come.

“The Eastern Busway will provide better connections and sustainable travel options with a reliable high frequency service every few minutes in peak periods providing a 40-minute bus and train trip between Botany Town Centre and Britomart [in downtown Auckland], saving 20 minutes.

“The new Reeves Road Flyover will improve the reliability of the busway and reduce vehicle congestion around Pakuranga Town Centre.

“By 2028 the busway will carry 18,000 passengers per day, more than four times the 3700 bus passengers per day prior to Covid-19.

“By 2048 it is expected to increase to 24,000 passengers per day.

“The busway will increase access to jobs and education, connect people to social and commercial opportunities, attract investment and growth, and enable urban development.”

Pakuranga MP Simeon Brown says it’s great to see progress on the next stage being made, with designs finalised and construction set to begin next year.

“I’m also pleased to see the commitment to the Reeves Road Flyover, which ensures those who continue to use their own vehicle will benefit from this project as well.

“The flyover will provide grade-separated lanes for motorists heading onto the South-eastern Motorway, streamlining traffic and making it easier for people to get through the busy four-way intersection currently in use.

“I’m glad the Government saw sense to invest in a project like the Eastern Busway that will provide a real transport benefit to an entire part of Auckland, instead of wasting money on something like the cancelled cycle bridge [across the Waitemata Harbour].”

AT says the busway’s Pakuranga to Botany section extends the completed segment from Panmure to Pakuranga to form a continuous 7km stretch with separate walking and cycling facilities.

It also creates separate lanes for buses to connect people from Botany, Pakuranga and surrounding suburbs with the rail network in Panmure.

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