星期二, 1 月 21, 2025

AMETI busway opens door to Plaza redevelopment

An information drop-in centre has opened in Pakuranga Plaza.

After years of waiting, GYP Properties Pte (GYPP) is pleased the design plans for the Auckland Manukau Eastern Transport Initiative (AMETI) Eastern Busway have now been made public.

With the release of the revised proposed plans, GYPP chief executive Stanley Tan says the company can now look to finalise its own designs for redevelopment of the Plaza and its four-hectare site.

GYPP has owned the Plaza, which sits at the junction of Pakuranga and Reeves Roads and Ti Rakau Drive, since 2014.

“We have been working on the Plaza redevelopment since we acquired the property, but until we had the final alignments with roading, and the bus interchange location and access points were locked down, it has not been possible to conclude our own designs,” Mr Tan says.

“Masterplans incorporating significant residential and retail buildings together with commercial, accommodation and entertainment activities will be further developed over the coming months. They will be released once the resource consent process, currently anticipated to be sometime in 2019, is underway. However, we are pleased to confirm our three anchor tenants – Countdown, Farmers have renewed their leases and The Warehouse tenure runs through to 2035.

“We look forward to participating in this transformation project from Plaza to Town Centre and on delivering quality housing options with modern retail facilities that focus on services, entertainment and food and beverage, with strong linkages to community amenities.”

GYPP will be engaging with key stakeholder groups and the Howick Local Board over the next few months while its plans evolve.

GYP Properties Pte is a wholly owned subsidiary of Global Yellow Pages Limited. Listed on the Singapore Exchange in 2004, Global Yellow Pages started in 1967 with the publication of the Yellow Pages print directories. Until 2015, the Company’s core activities were the publication of directories and the sale of advertising in these directories.

Today GYPP has a property portfolio of 303,172 sqm of land, comprising commercial, retail and residential assets in Singapore and New Zealand. They include the Remarkables Residences in Frankton, Queenstown and Bellfield Estate in Opaheke, Auckland. Headquartered in Singapore, the group also has a presence in Australia.

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