星期二, 4 月 1, 2025

AMETI tests to begin

INVESTIGATING: The proposed new Panmure busway bridge. Photo supplied.

The Auckland Manukau Eastern Transport Initiative (AMETI) Eastern Busway project will soon carry out a series of geotechnical and pavement investigations along and around Lagoon Drive, extending from the Panmure roundabout to the eastern side of Panmure Bridge.

Project director Stephen Burris said geotechnical investigations will be carried out to obtain information on the physical properties of the ground conditions in the Panmure area in order to complete the detailed design of the proposed scheme.

“It is standard industry practice to do so before starting any major construction work,” he said.

We also need to gather information on the structure of the existing road pavement and the location of underground services.

“This information is essential to ensure that the detailed design can be constructed in a way that makes best use of existing assets.”

The investigation work is generally expected to take place between 8am to 5 pm (beginning yesterday) and will take up to six weeks to complete depending on weather and underground conditions.

Work may also be carried out at night and/or on Saturdays if necessary.

The geotechnical investigations will mainly be undertaken outside the road corridor and will involve the use of a small drill rig which may generate some noise.

Some locations for the pavement and services investigation work will require a traffic management plan and these works are planned to be undertaken between 9am and 3.30pm.

The AMETI Eastern Busway programme is a group of projects in south east Auckland which will improve transport choices and connections in the area.

Stage 1 saw the construction of the new Panmure Station, three new bridges, Te Horeta Road and a tunnel.

The next stage will see the construction of the Panmure to Pakuranga section of the Eastern Busway.

Auckland Transport has lodged a Notice of Requirement with Auckland Council to protect the route between Panmure and Pakuranga and has asked the council to publicly notify the project.

More information on the Eastern Busway, visit: at.govt.nz/ameti


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