星期一, 1 月 27, 2025

Another year, another successful fun run

The Howick Rotary Fun Run is in its eighth year and it was celebrated with a massive 1000 entrants into this year’s race.

Walkers and runners gathered bright and early for the eighth annual Howick Rotary Fun Run earlier this month.

With running shoes and sweat bands at the ready, people of all fitness levels turned up to traverse one of three uphill courses.

This year the fun run was also attended by nearly 300 local primary and intermediate school children eager to take part.

A large team of Rotarians, Howick Coastguard and Howick College students dispersed to man the various marshalling and water stations around the course.

Howick Rotary has seen the participation in the fun run grow from around 200 in 2012 to 1000 runners this year.

The primary school winners.

Organisers said the fun run participation was strengthened this year by the large attendance of family groups.

The school teams of four runners were competing for the Crawford Cup, with Shelley Park Primary winning the Primary Cup and Somerville Intermediate and Bucklands Beach Intermediate dead-heating for the Intermediate Cup.

A barbeque provided by Mitre 10 Mega and manned by Howick Rotarians provided sausages for those attending.

Ice-cream and coffee was also available on site.

Athlete’s Foot provided fresh fruit for the runners and walkers completing the Fun Run

Prizegiving took place on Stockade Hill with Cups and spot prizes handed out.

The raffle for a ride in the Hero Car – De Lorean was won by Andre.

All funds raised by this event are passed on to the Howick Coastguard for safety and rescue equipment to enable them to continue to provide a marvellous service in protecting our local boating community.

  • The Rotary Club of Howick would like to acknowledge the continuing sponsorship and support of The Howick Local Board and The Chenery Memorial Trust.
A crowd of around 1000 people turned up to take part.

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