星期二,3 月 4 日,2025

Aucklanders advised to prepare for severe weather

Auckland Mayor, Wayne Brown speaks to residents outside homes damaged by a large slip on January 29. Photo Getty Images

Auckland Emergency Management says it is working closely with MetService, Auckland Council and partner agencies to ensure the region is as prepared as possible for any potential impacts from Tropical Cyclone Gabrielle.

“We strongly encourage our communities to use the next few days to get ready for what could be another significant weather event for the region,” says Auckland Emergency Management’s deputy controller Rachel Kelleher.

“We are working with the council and our other partner agencies to ensure we are as prepared as possible for what’s to come but we are also asking Aucklanders to keep pitching in, as they have been since January 27, to get themselves, and their communities, storm ready.

“Please help us to ensure kerbs, inlets and stormwater drains are clear of leaves and debris; and if you’ve already had flood-damaged items collected from your kerbside, please do not put anymore out.

“Instead, if you can, please take it to one of the 15 drop-off facilities across the region.”

“The direct path of Cyclone Gabrielle is uncertain at this stage, and while we are hoping for the best, we must all be prepared for the worst,” Mayor Brown said.

“The council’s Waste Solutions team is working at pace alongside the New Zealand Defence Force to clear drains, berms, and rubbish, to prevent flooding and potential public health risks.

“Local iwi and community groups, including the Student Volunteer Army, are on hand to support residents to assist ahead of any severe weather. If you require urgent assistance, call 0800 22 22 00.

“I would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the cooperation and efforts of regional and national emergency management units, emergency responders, council officers, councillors, local boards, local iwi, and our communities. We are all working together.”

Based on current information, MetService advises that the Auckland region can expect to feel the first effects of Cyclone Gabrielle from Sunday night, with the most severe weather impacts expected on Monday and Tuesday.

The weather system is expected to bring strong winds, heavy rain and very large waves to parts of the North Island.

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