Bright costumes, big hair and even bigger music with loads of humour and talent… Mission Heights Junior College (MHJC) is set to bring an audience Back to the 80s!
More than 100 students from MHJC– cast, crew, choir, band and backstage – have worked tirelessly in Term 2 and during the holiday break to bring one of the most popular Broadway shows to the stage.
The musical, written by Neil Gooding, opens in the early 2000s with 30-something Corey Senior finding a photo from his High School Prom in 1989.
Corey has a flashback to his senior year and the musical follows the trials and tribulations of being a teenager in the 80s, all set around the top musical hits from that decade.
MHJC drama teacher Abbigail Shields says: “Offering a school-wide production that includes all year levels really helps build on Mission Heights Junior College’s whanau values.
“The students have worked so well together and are really excited to share all of their hard work with the community.” she says.
The light-hearted, energetic production is packed with witty one-liners and nostalgia.
- Performances over five evenings will be held at the MHJC Theatre, 103 Jeffs Rd, Flat Bush, Tuesday, August 7 to Saturday, August 11 at 7pm.
- For more details visit www.MHJC@school.nz