Botany firm Giles & Liew Chartered Accountants is the winner of the MYOB New Zealand Accounting Practice of the Year Award for 2020.
Pivoting to an online format for what is now the 12th year of the awards, the honours see MYOB continue to celebrate excellence within the bookkeeping and accounting community across three categories – Accounting Practice of the Year, Bookkeeping Practice of the Year and Certified Consultant of the Year.
Nominations for this year’s MYOB Partner Awards were reviewed by a judging panel including MYOB’s chief sales and support officer Daniel West who said it was the passion of the award candidates that shone through, with many of those nominated stretching their services to support their clients throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.
“The recipients of the 2020 MYOB Partner Awards set a scene of business advisors who unequivocally care for their clients and geared the development of their teams and practices to best serve businesses in what has been a challenging year,” said West.
“Their expertise and shared knowledge will continue to guide business health as we navigate our way through economic recovery. We’re proud to celebrate their outstanding contribution.”
The Accounting Practice of the Year award recognises an accounting practice that offered exceptional support to their clients during challenges brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, using wide-ranging tactics to not only protect business survival, but also drive growth.
West said Giles & Liew not only expanded their advisory offering with the development of two new service lines, but also focused on educating business owners with blog articles and social media campaigns providing up-to-date advice to ensure businesses were considering all of the options available to them.
“As a result, clients were proactive in sending through their end-of-year compliance work early and engaging with the practice for additional advisory services, with a focus on determining business health,” he said.
Director at Giles & Liew Chartered Accountants Kylie Liew said, “This award is such a great way to applaud the success of our team in navigating and pivoting through a year like no other.”