With the Government considering keeping the Auckland border in place over summer, it must consider the significant impact this will place on police resources in Auckland and throughout New Zealand, says National’s spokesperson for Police Simeon Brown.
“There are more than 300 police officers dedicated to working the Auckland Regional Border checkpoints, meaning more than over 300 frontline police are not on the streets fighting and preventing crime,” says Brown, the MP for Pakuranga.
“There are 160 police officers from Auckland police districts dedicated to working the border with an additional 343 brought in from other police districts to help with the tedious task of enforcing it.”
Brown says bringing in officers from other police districts brings with it significant cost.
“The suggestion that police may have to stop every car seeking to leave Auckland or visit Auckland over summer to check vaccination certificates and Covid tests will be an absolute nightmare and will mean significant police resource continue to be placed at the border instead of focusing on important policing priorities over the busy summer period,” says Brown.
“The Government should give heed to the Police Association President Chris Cahill who summed the idea up as ‘a theory waiting to turn into a shambles’.
“With summer fast approaching, we need our police officers on the frontlines keeping New Zealanders safe – not tied up at the Auckland border.”