Nine community groups have received funding in time for Christmas as part of Franklin Local Board’s grants round.
Grants to meet the costs of event traffic management plans were a theme of the round, with the Takutai Charitable Trust getting a grant for the Beachlands Christmas parade, which travels from Beachlands Domain to Sunkist Bay Reserve, and Pohutukawa Coast Rotary for its plan for the fun run at Te Puru in November.
The Waiuku Business and Deveopment Association received two grants: the first to help with costs associated with an event being organised by Glenbrook Vintage Railway at the Cosmopolitan Club to celebrate the centennial of the Waiuku railway branch line and a second for traffic management costs associated with the town’s Christmas parade.
Franklin’s RSA obtained a grant for projector equipment, Clevedon Sport for portable toilet and medical costs for its Farm Run, Dream Big Trust for laptops and van rental for a mobile homework centre and Bloom Pukekoke to assist with costs associated with a relocation to a new home.
The final grant went to Blue Light Ventures towards its Street-Smart Handbook.
The next round of grants is not open for applications until February.