星期二, 4 月 1, 2025

Cleaner “verbally abused” at council building

A verbal altercation is alleged to have recently taken place at the Howick War Memorial Hall in Picton Street. Times photo Wayne Martin

The ongoing friction over use of the Howick War Memorial Hall may be worsening with a cleaner allegedly having been “verbally abused” while recently working at the building.

The unresolved management of the Auckland Council-owned facility in Picton Street has been a point of contention in the community since the council first advised the Howick Local Board to appoint a group to manage it in December last year.

Numerous groups applied to become the hall’s manager, including the Howick Village Association (HVA), Uxbridge Community Projects, Howick Tourism, the Pakuranga Chinese Association and Howick Community Hub, among others.

The council has repeatedly advised the board to approve the HVA as the preferred applicant to manage it but each time the subject arose during the board’s monthly business meetings, it failed to receive sufficient support to be passed.

The Times has been told a cleaner working at the war memorial hall on November 11 was allegedly “verbally abused” by someone, but it is unclear what sparked the incident or who was involved.

Howick Local Board chairperson Damian Light says there’s no justification for abusive behaviour and it will not be tolerated, especially toward council staff “who are doing their job”.

The board is working through the potential options for the building’s management and remains focused on delivering the best outcome for the community, he says.

“I’d like to reassure the public this will be completed as soon as practicably possible, without compromising the integrity of the decision.

“In the meantime, the facility remains available as a venue for hire at no cost and is actively being used by various community groups.”

Howick Community Hub chairman Las Akurugoda and member Peter Bankers addressed the board about the war memorial hall at its November business meeting.

Akurugoda said the group had received “overwhelming support” for the hall to be accessible to the whole community and it’s in the process of compiling support documentation.

“We have also been engaging with particular groups to see how we can collaborate and work together toward this end.

“However, HCH is very concerned that [in the] meantime Auckland Council staff have suddenly stripped all documents, records, information and moveable fittings from the hall and bundled them into the back rooms or into rubbish bags.

“HCH is appalled at such a cavalier intervention and people are disgusted and angry at the total lack of consultation and sensitivity.”

Council head of community delivery Kevin Marriott says the hall is operating as a venue for hire and old council property was removed from it to make it more usable for customers.

The council is aware of a recent “health and safety incident” at the building and it’s been processed accordingly, he says.

Howick Village Association chairman Ken Scott says he was unaware of the alleged incident of verbal abuse at the hall on November 11.

“We were aware of items being bagged up and stored in the offices at the back of the building as they were like that on the evening of October 26 when we held the HVA annual general meeting.

“We had wondered who had done the cleaning up.”

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