星期二,3 月 4 日,2025

Community safety of increasing concern

Pakuranga MP Simeon Brown says rising crime in east Auckland is causing concern in the community. Times file photo Wayne Martin
  • By Simeon Brown, MP for Pakuranga

Rising crime rates are on everybody’s mind right now, as if we didn’t already have enough to worry about with the cost-of-living crisis many are struggling through.

There have been too many headlines in recent weeks about violent crime, with ram raids across the country and shootings happening far too frequently.

East Auckland has traditionally been a safe place to live and raise a family, but that sense of security is slowly being whittled away as these types of crimes happen more often on our doorsteps.

In just the last couple of weeks, two homes in Mellons Bay and Flat Bush have been shot at by armed offenders, with police believing it is the result of tensions between two gangs. If this violence continues then it is only a matter of time before innocent people are caught in the crossfire.

We know gang numbers are spiralling out of control as criminals enjoy the relative freedom they receive under this government’s soft approach to law and order.

Despite Labour’s claims that their approach “has made a difference”, you would be hard-pressed to find a single Kiwi who feels safer now than they did even just a few years ago.

A quick look at the police victimisation statistics over the course of this year paints a startling picture, with crime rates now higher than even pre-lockdown levels.

In fact, going back through the years since Labour took power we see a clear upwards trend, interrupted only by Covid restrictions when people were forced to stay home.

Something must change. No-one argues against the need to target the root causes of crime, but it must be done in conjunction with stronger law and order policy to better deter criminals and ensure those who harm others are appropriately dealt with.

We cannot simply treat criminals in a kind and caring manner and hope they become good people all on their own.

On Monday June 13, I will be hosting a public meeting to discuss these issues around law and order, along with local police representatives.

This meeting will be held at the Howick Bowling Club at 7pm and I encourage anyone who has concerns about the safety of our community to come along and share your views.

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