By the time you read this article Anzac Day will have passed for yet another year.
However, we should never forget the sacrifices the brave service men and women of this country made over the decades. Their bravery and service has contributed to the freedom of choice and the lifestyle us Kiwis are now able to enjoy.
We have all experienced the restrictions on our daily lives brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic in the last 12 months.
These pale into insignificance when we consider the sacrifices, restrictions and heartbreak endured by previous generations during times of war. Theirs and their families’ lives were thrown into total turmoil, not for a week or two but for years on end.
This year the Howick Village Association (HVA) added to its annual “poppy fields” display in Fencible walkway with a remembrance soldier silhouette and a wreath.
We do hope you took the time to wander past, pause and remember. The cenotaph on Stockade Hill records the names of most of the locals who gave the ultimate sacrifice in war. Most of us will be able to reflect on family members from around this country who gave their lives in the wars where NZ has seen active service.
As a community, our strength is often reflected in our ability to come together during adversity to work to improve the outcome for all. It is no better demonstrated than the continued importance we place on remembering the contributions from those no longer with us.
Not surprisingly the Howick Dawn Service and Howick Civil Service continue to be one of the best attended in the country.
“At the going down of the sun and in the morning. We will remember them.”
Howick Village Association