Auckland City Police are reminding motorists heading away this weekend of the need to make safe driving choices, after a road policing operation in the district this week.
The operation on Wednesday 25 January was held at 20 different checkpoints across the district, with officers issuing 220 infringement notices over 15 hours.
Of the 220 infringements, 31 per cent were for using cell phones while driving and not wearing a seatbelt.
“This was a disappointing result, says Acting Inspector Mathew Knowsley, Auckland City Road Policing Manager.
“We would have been happy to not issue any infringements at all, as this would have demonstrated that people were driving responsibly and looking out for those they share the road with and their passengers.”
Other infringements issued included dangerous driving behaviour at intersections, driving above the speed limit, motorists driving without the correct licence and unregistered or unwarranted vehicles.
“The choice not to buckle up, or to look at your cellphone, takes just seconds, but can have massive consequences on you, your passengers, your family, and others around you,” he says.
“We want Aucklanders heading away this weekend to enjoy their time with friends and family, and make it safely to their destination and back again,” Acting Inspector Knowsley says.
“We don’t want to be visiting any families to tell them the devastating news that one of their loved ones has been injured or killed in a crash.”