星期二, 1 月 28, 2025

Easter Art exhibition: No longer locked down

One of the art works being exhibited by Felicity Visser, a local artist.

Howick artists are celebrating the return of Easter Art to The Depot in Lloyd Elsmore Park this Easter weekend.

Artists from around the Howick and greater Auckland area are showcasing their talents as part of an Easter Art exhibition over Easter. The project team from Cession Community Trust and participating artists are cautiously optimistic that the live exhibition will go ahead after two mini-lockdowns threatened the event for the second year in a row.

“This time last year we were in Alert Level 4 and facing the cancellation of the exhibition. Our artists responded to the challenge. Art has always been a force for connectedness, so embracing the moment and allowing our art to speak directly into our bubbles was a bold move. This year, we’re looking forward to being back in person at The Depot and engaging with Easter art up close and personal’ exhibition curator, Katie Buckley says.

The 2020 edition of Stations of the Cross saw a record number of people engage with the exhibition online. The exhibition will feature a digital option in 2021 as well as the live experience. While organisers believe the live version remains the higher impact experience, going digital in 2020 introduced a new audience to the exhibition.

Preparations have been underway for several months as artists have worked together on developing the theme for the exhibition and the gallery design. The exhibition is displayed within a thematically-driven “theatrical” style set designed by the Stations project team and intended to add colour and ambience to attendees’ journey through the Easter art.

“This year’s exhibition New(s)Cycle will offer a range of artistic pieces from the more traditional art forms to the off-the-wall and creative. We’re welcoming painters, photographers, mixed media artists, filmmakers and poets – all reflecting on the universal themes of the Easter story – betrayal, shame, guilt, injustice and perhaps, most importantly, hope.

“Our unique gallery design this year will invite people to explore the Easter story through the lens of news and media with a 1960s flavour. The 60s set captures elements of the global unrest we have experienced this past year and the sometimes-diverse narratives that underpin experiences such as a pandemic,” explains Katie.

The exhibition opens on Good Friday April 2 at 6pm at the Depot in Lloyd Elsmore Park (behind the netball courts) and runs through to Saturday evening. Organisers are planning for an increase in attendance as locals enjoy the freedom of an Easter weekend out of lockdown!

For further information, contact exhibition curator Katie Buckley katie.buckley@cession.org.nz Entry by donation, The Depot, Sir Lloyd Drive, Lloyd Elsmore Park. www.cession.org.nz

Stations of the Cross “New(s)Cycle”
Friday April 2, 6pm-9pm
Saturday April 3, 10am – 8.30pm

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