星期四, 1 月 30, 2025


Matthew’s achievements at Elim Christian College is a mosaic of stellar performances.

That’s how maths and physics teacher Mark Mack described Mathew’s Inglis’ accomplishments as the Year 13 student was presented a certificate for the Prime Minister’s Vocational Excellence Award as well as a cash award of $2000.

At a special morning tea organised by principal of Elim Christian College Murray Burton on Friday to celebrate Matthew’s success, Burton acknowledged the 18-year-old for being intelligent as well as very hard working.

“When you invite me to your home for dinner, if you do, I want to see this special certificate framed or then it should be on the wall of your work place,” said Burton, as he congratulated Matthew for winning the Prime Minister’s award.

Matthew has gained NCEA level 1 and 2 endorsed with Excellence and was accelerated in Mathematics in previous years.

He had the opportunity to sit for the University of Auckland MAX course (mathematics acceleration and extension programme for high schools students) which he passed with an A+.

Matthew says he wants to join the Australian Air Force.

Matthew Inglis (centre) with principal Murray Burton(l-r) Campus lead Mark Mack, assistant principal Carol Pottow and Board of Trustees chair, Chris Bethwaite.

“I want to be an airline pilot. My dad was a pilot when he was just a little over my age,” he says.

An ace at game production, he’s won first place in the gaming category for developing the best game at the Bright Sparks Awards.

Matthew won cash awards for the school and himself for creating the `Trash Game’ that promotes awareness about collecting rubbish.

Another game he developed ‘Don’t Drive Drunk’ is on the iOS app store.

“It simulates the effects of drunk driving,” he says.

Matthew has been an active member of the Maker Space where students collaborate to do 3d printing, laser cutting, coding, game production and designing things.

He was acknowledged by his teachers for not only working on innovative ideas but also mentoring and helping other students in Maker Space.






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