Pakuranga students are among 100,000 children given a ticket to travel far and wide during the school holidays thanks to Government Book Week.
Helping youngsters access a vast range of adventures between the pages of books, government backing of the annual Duffy Books in Homes programme has been welcomed.
“The support the programme receives from the [Ministry of Education], means that tens of thousands of Kiwi children experience the aroha of reading and books as taonga,” says Linda Vagana from Duffy Books in Homes.
“This has such a tremendous impact on how much kids read.”
The initiative saw students from schools across the country (including Pakuranga’s Anchorage Park and Riverhills) taking home two new books each ahead of the holidays.
No stranger to lofty goals, Linda Vagana (a former Silver Ferns’ star) has taken a clear aim at improving childhood literacy.
“Low literacy has flow-on effects into adulthood and regardless of what job or career our children want to have they need to be literate,” she says.
“Children who discover an enjoyment of reading and books now, become adults who inspire a love of reading to their whanau and wider community.”
Over the course of 30 years, Duffy Books in Homes has given away almost 15 million books. However, improving childhood literacy requires a team effort.
“Being able to read is a fundamental life skill for our young people,” Minister of Education, Erica Standford, adds.
“This is a great initiative that will help with the knowledge, skills, and competencies our tamariki need to succeed. I encourage every child to pick up a book and give it a go!”
More information about Duffy Books in Homes, and Government Book Week, is accessible via www.booksinhomes.org.nz.