星期日, 3 月 30, 2025

Rural schools concerned about Education Amendment Bill

In its submission, RWNZ says that it doesn’t think that online schools are an acceptable substitute to traditional schools.

Rural Women New Zealand (RWNZ) has issued a submission to the Government expressing concerns about the impact of the Education (Update) Amendment Bill for rural schools.

The Bill proposes some significant changes to the Act, including allowing for the accreditation of private online charter schools.

Under this proposal children as young as five-years-old will have the ability to elect to receive some or all of their education online.

“The risk of online charter schools diverting both students and much needed government funding away from rural schools is something we are concerned about,” says national president, Wendy McGowan.

“Rural schools perform a vital role in their communities, yet many are struggling to cope with the unique challenges of providing education in isolated areas. The Government’s first priority should be in further supporting these schools, rather than seeking out alternative providers, which could challenge their viability,” she says.

In its submission RWNZ says that it doesn’t think that online schools are an acceptable substitute to traditional schools.

“In general, we think most children benefit from being able to learn within a traditional school setting where they have the opportunity to socialize and interact with their peers. This is particularly true in rural communities where isolation is a major concern” says Ms McGowan.

A further limiting factor of online schools is their reliance on a decent level of internet connectivity, something that is lacking in many remote parts of the country she says.

RWNZ’s submission also outlines concerns that taking children out of the school environment could increase their vulnerability to abuse, neglect in the home and missing out on important primary health interventions, like vaccinations.

Research from the United States showing that the academic performance of students at online charter schools is lagging behind those in traditional schools is also referenced in its submission.

RWNZ’S submission also addresses the Bill’s proposal to shift Career Services into the Tertiary Education Commission.

“We support the Government in wanting to improve career services to students, but we’re not sure how creating another unit within government will achieve this,” she says.

Changes which RWNZ do support include the introduction of a Statement of National Education and Learning Priorities and changes in the Bill to clarify government expectations around boards of trustees.

“These changes will hopefully provide more certainty for schools, as well as consistency for students,” says Ms McGowan.


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