星期一, 3 月 10, 2025

2020 年大选:工党的陈先生将参加植物园竞选

The Labour Party has selected consultant and public servant Naisi Chen to contest Botany at the 2020 general election in September.

“It’s an honour to be selected to contest Botany for Labour. As a young New Zealander I am really excited to see the country going in the right direction under the Jacinda Ardern led government. I know that the people of Botany will continue to benefit from the progress our Government is making,” says Chen.

She believes the Labour-led Government is tackling some of New Zealand’s most deeply rooted problems.

Naisi Chen is Labour Party’s candidate for the Botany seat at the general election in September. Photo supplied

“The economy is finally becoming one where it works for every New Zealander. With rising wages and low unemployment, our families are better off. And because of our efforts we can afford the biggest investment in new infrastructure for more than 20 years, while being well prepared to meet global challenges,” she says.

“With new mental health services, record numbers of new state houses, more funding for great new schools, hospitals and cancer treatments and more cops on the beat than ever before, our communities are stronger and safer which makes me hopeful for the future as a young person.”

She says she’s running “to continue that progress” and deliver for local people, including all the different communities that make Botany so diverse.

Chen is the director of a business consultancy firm specialising in employment relations and HR matters and one event management and concert promotion company. She sits on the board of Foundation North and Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra.

She is the vice president of the youth wing of the NZ Labour Party-Young Labour and also sits on the Youth Advisory Group of Philanthropy NZ.

Chen is a choral conductor, chartered member of the Institute of Directors, former President of the New Zealand Chinese Students’ Association, former advisory board member of NZ China Council, an alumnus of the Office of Ethnic Communities Young Leaders Program and recipient of the 2017 ANZ Community Spirit Award.






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