星期六, 1 月 18, 2025

Food festival a smash hit

The Thailand stall at the Howick College food festival.

Hundreds of hungry students, teachers and parents were drawn to Howick College’s performing arts centre where a variety of international mouth-watering dishes were displayed.

Ingham House and the Cultural Council hosted the annual food festival on Thursday during the school’s Culture Week where students prepare food, sell tickets and organise stalls for the event.

Tickets were sold either for $8 for five dishes or $5 for three dishes.

They raised almost $2600 for charity.

The festival is a celebration of 18 different cultures and foods – from German pretzels to

Filipino pork kebabs to South African hot dogs. The stall holders have representations from Years 9-13 students with some having whanau help as well.

“They get the chance to express their culture through food,” Riya Bains, one of the student leaders with the Cultural Council, says.

Another student leader, Mikaera Pairama, says the organisation for the festival took throughout the term. “It was a lot of work.”

When they saw the accomplishment of their planning and hard work, they were both proud and relieved.”It’s been such a success,” Riya says.

Last year’s food festival was impacted by Covid-19. Not so this year. “We have a lot of passion about showcasing cuisine and cultural background,” Riya says.

Both leaders wanted to highlight Neera Sundrum, Dean of Ingram House and teacher in charge of the Cultural Council, for her assistance. She has been supervising the international food festival since it started in 2003.

Neera Sundrum, Dean of Ingram House and teacher in charge of the Cultural Council, says that it was zero waste event and was supported by the local community.

The tables used were borrowed from All Saints and neighbouring businesses have donated.

“The festival brings us together,” Sundrum says. “Everyone does their job and helps each other. It brings down barriers.

“It’s always a highlight of the school calendar.”

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