Freedom camping could be about to return to Howick.
A freedom camping trial took place in the area early last year, outraging some locals who felt there wasn’t enough consultation between council and residents.
The initiative was trialled at 28 sites around Auckland, including four in Howick.
Macleans Park, Moore St car park, Wellington St car park and Lloyd Elsmore Park were available only to self-contained campervans.
Read more:
Fury over freedom campers in Howick
Auckland Council manager, social policy & bylaws Michael Sinclair said the trial was designed as a way to promote Howick to self-contained campers as a way to boost local economic development.
In a statement, he said council staff are now assessing sites “to be included in a new freedom camping bylaw as areas where freedom camping is either prohibited or restricted”.
He says council staff will engage with local boards and community groups during the development of the bylaw.
Public submissions will be invited and hearings will take place once the draft bylaw has been approved by council.
Sinclair said the council aims to have a new bylaw adopted and implemented in time for summer 2018/19.