星期三, 3 月 5, 2025

Get wiggy to support Kiwi kids with cancer this September

Wig Wednesday ambassadors and the Child Cancer Foundation need to raise $250,000 in urgent funds to provide essential support to tamariki with cancer and their whānau. Photo CCF

On Wednesday September 7, thousands of Kiwis are supporting tamariki with cancer and their families by taking part in Wig Wednesday, a nationwide fundraiser for Child Cancer Foundation – will you join them?

Every week in New Zealand, more than three kids are diagnosed with cancer. The treatment these children undergo often means they need to brave the world with no hair. One of these kids is Johnny Raphael, who was diagnosed with cancer in 2021 at eight years old.

Brave Johnny Raphael is an inspiration.

He bravely shared his experience of losing his hair in this video: youtube.com/watch?v=9SM7atSpi44

Wig Wednesday is a fun day where people can support kids like Johnny by wearing a wig, styling a funky hairdo or shaving their head while raising money for Child Cancer Foundation.

“So far, we have had many incredible Kiwi schools, workplaces and community groups sign up to get wiggy all over the country,” says Child Cancer Foundation’s chief executive Monica Briggs.

“We are so grateful for their dedication to raising money for these whānau during what is such a difficult time for so many Kiwis.”

The impact of Covid-19 has been severe for Child Cancer Foundation’s funding, who had to cancel their annual Street Appeal in March due to the ongoing risk of the pandemic.

“Although we received some amazing support from New Zealanders through our digital platforms at the time, cancelling our Street Appeal resulted in a huge loss of funding,” says Briggs.

Child Cancer Foundation needs to raise $250,000 in urgent funds this Wig Wednesday to provide essential support to tamariki with cancer and their whānau.

They don’t receive any direct government funding, so they rely on the generosity of incredible Kiwis to help these families through the toughest time of their lives.

“That’s why every dollar raised for Wig Wednesday makes a difference,” says Briggs.

“Please help us raise vital funds and awareness by signing up for Wig Wednesday, or make a generous donation to help Kiwi families impacted by childhood cancer.”

Sign up for Wig Wednesday or donate today at wigwednesday.org.nz.

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