What better place to learn about the Pakuranga/Botany Greens than at a fun, family-friendly street BBQ?
With a free sausage sizzle, face painting and outdoor games in tow, MP Marama Davidson gathered along with more than 30 locals to host the first major public event for the party.
Held on Sunday, April 30, the BBQ in Farm Cove gave members a chance to speak about what the party stands for and what it will be offering in this year’s lead-up to the general elections.
Event organiser and Botany candidate Julie Zhu said she was happy with the public reaction on the day and the way the event provided a platform for communicating the party’s objectives.
“It was really good to finally be able to talk to the public about what we stand for,” she said.
“People were really receptive to what we were addressing.”
Climate change, poverty and homelessness were among the top issues discussed on the day.