星期六, 3 月 29, 2025

Covid 恐慌健身房老板向 Givealittle 求助

A Highland Park gym owner who has unwittingly been caught up in last week’s Covid-19 outbreaks has confirmed she and her family are in self-isolation and that all gym facilities remain suspended.

Lioness Gym for Women owner Felicia Alkin told the Times she has also created a Givealittle page as her business struggles to cope with yet another closure.

Drama erupted last week after a local woman was identified as having a connection with the two new Covid-19 cases. She has since returned a negative result for the virus.

The woman – a member at the Lioness Gym– is friends with the two women last week confirmed with the coronavirus – the first confirmed cases after zero cases for 24 days.

The Ministry of Health released additional information about the journey between Auckland and Wellington taken by two New Zealanders with Covid-19 who returned to New Zealand from the United Kingdom to see their dying parent.

“Upon leaving the Novotel (Ellerselie) in a private vehicle provided by friends, the women became lost on the Auckland motorway system,” the Ministry said.

Felicia Alkin is the owner – manager of the Lioness Gym for Women in Highland Park.

“On realising this they phoned the same friends who supplied the vehicle, who met and guided them to the correct motorway so they could go in the right direction. As part of this the pair were in limited physical contact with the two friends for approximately five minutes.

“These two people have been contacted by local health authorities for a health check. Both had already had a test for Covid-19 once they heard of the positive results and are in self isolation.”

Alkin on Thursday was a little more upbeat but cautious about the situation. “I would like to let you know that the test results of our member came (back) negative. She was told to self-isolate up to 48 hours. She decided to self-isolate up to 14 days. Apparently another test will be done only if she is not feeling well,” said Alkin.

“I will continue to self-isolate with my family up to 14 days and have ourselves tested within this period.”

Alkin, who hopes to reopen the gym next Tuesday, said she was nervous creating the Givealittle page. “After the two cases from (the) UK, that had a big impact on our business,” Alkin said.

“I have been encouraged by many people to create this page. Having the business activities suspended again not long after two months’ lockdown has put a lot of stress on my shoulders.

“During lockdown we have lost (about) 50 per cent-plus members. Most of (the) people lost jobs or are now on reduced hours and have cut down expenses.”

She said while her landlord did not charge her during lockdown, there were ongoing expenses. “The business is still struggling to to save money for the rent itself not to mention all the other ongoing expenses,” Alkin said.

Body corporate fees could not be held off and although council has postponed rates payments, the will have to be paid in August. “We know that we are doing the right thing and that, if we survive this critical time, the business will pick up at some stage.

“I know that long nights and lots of hard work will again surround me for the next while.”




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