星期五, 1 月 10, 2025

Help Mary make every day count

Mary Jury was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer for the second time in early 2017. Here she is pictured with her daughters Tayla and Sophie. Photo supplied. 

Mary Jury is a firm believer that it’s the simple things that make life beautiful.

Being a mother and a wife, spending time with friends and family, drinking wine, enjoying great food and her favourite music on repeat are some of her most treasured moments.

And now more than ever she is determined to make every day count.

In early 2017 Mary was diagnosed with breast cancer for the second time.

This time the cancer has spread and the diagnosis is terminal.

The mother-of-two is no stranger to life’s challenges, overcoming all with a smile and a new lesson to teach her daughters.

However, the diagnosis has been heartbreaking and has tested her strength and her faith, she says.

But determined as she is, Mary isn’t giving up hope.

The Dannemora local is hoping to continue getting Ozone therapy, which is a form of alternative medicine that purports to increase the amount of oxygen in the body through the introduction of ozone.

It will give her the greatest chance of fighting the disease by ensuring all the cells in her body are working at an optimum level.

As well as Intravenous Vitamin C, by completing these treatments the hope is that not only will Mary’s lifespan be extended, but her quality of life will improve and she will be able to make the most of her time with her family.

Inspired by her bravery, the Howick Hornets AFL team have jumped on board and are hosting a fundraiser on Saturday at the Paparoa Park club house to raise money for Mary’s treatment.

The day will kick off at 12.30pm with a light lunch, followed by a game of AFL, an auction, raffle and entertainment.

Team captain Logan Kinnear says the decision to raise money for Mary’s treatment was an easy one for the team.

“We base a lot of our club values around family, so when we realised we had the opportunity to make a huge difference to someone close to the team and community, the whole team didn’t hesitate to support the cause.”

Mary says she feels blessed and humbled by all the support she has received so far in her battle against breast cancer.

“The last 11 months have been so trying knowing this time round I am terminally ill. To find out the Howick Hornets have come together and organised an entire day for me to raise funds, leaves me speechless,” she says.

“These young people have also reached out to the community and gathered support of local businesses which I am truly grateful for.”

  • Tickets are $30 and can be purchased by emailing hornetsfundraiserformj@gmail.com.
  • Tickets can also be purchased on arrival, cash only. Children under 10s free.
  • If you can’t make it on Saturday, you can still make a donation to the Mary Jury Fund by bank transfer to 03-0243-0830084-000.

For more information visit the fundraiser facebook page here

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