Faulkner Construction, which regularly clinches wins in major categories in the competition, has won the Supreme Renovation of the Year award [Auckland / Northland / Coromandel region] for its build in Freemans Bay. The home was also awarded the Pink Batts Craftsmanship Award, Renovation Over $1.5 million category and a gold award.

The Registered Master Builders House of the Year competition recognises the very best homes, builders and craftspeople across New Zealand. This year the regional competition had almost 300 entries across nine regions.
Judges said, “Renovating a Victorian villa is no easy task – and walking past this home now, the classical frontage gives little indication of the incredible work undertaken at the back of the house. This speaks to the excellence of the construction team, who worked with the owner to breathe new life into this home which seamlessly moves between the past and the present.
“It can be difficult to find the right words to describe something so impressive – to do it justice. For this renovation, the planning and skills on display are as good as it gets.
In relation to the Pink Batts Craftsmanship Award, judges said, “This architecturally-designed renovation called for a range of different skillsets, as adding a modern extension to an old heritage home is no easy feat. The construction team worked alongside the architect and met any challenges head on.
“While it was no easy job, the results are top notch. This is clear in the detailing and finishes, all of which were completed with real finesse. The craftmanship on display is something the construction team should be immensely proud of.”
With respect to the Renovation over $1.5 million category, judges continued, “From lifting the existing weatherboard home to add a garage, to constructing a modern two-storey extension at the rear, this renovation has done it all.
“To get it over the line, the project team overcame a host of challenges, including limited access, building a new inground swimming pool, and traffic management issues that arose while building. Despite these challenges, the Faulkner Construction team have produced a remarkable renovated home.”
Faulkner Construction founder and co-owner Ross Faulkner is delighted with the result. “It was obviously exciting for the company to win our first ever regional supreme award,” Faulkner told the Times.
“The competition in the renovation category was very stiff with all of the finalists in the over $1.5m bracket receiving gold awards.
“Perhaps more exciting for our carpenters was receiving the craftsmanship award which means that our home demonstrated the highest level of trade craftsmanship across all of the award categories (renovation and new build)
“We had a number of apprentices that worked on this project, which shows that a very high-level of quality can be achieved at the same time as we are developing our future craftsmen.”
The project was managed on site by Philip Faulkner – the eldest of three brothers who work in the business – and who now holds family bragging rights for building the most decorated home in company history.
There was another big winner from the east Auckland area – Master Craft Construction, based out of Shelly Park, won the New Home $1.5m- $2m category [Auckland / Northland / Coromandel region], and a gold award, for a home in Bucklands Beach.
Judges said, “Spread out over two floors, with the main spaces positioned to capitalise on the view, this original and unique home is the product of a fruitful collaboration between the construction team, designer, and owner.
“For the exterior, timber and weathered steel are used to impressive effect, nicely complementing precast concrete panels. From the downstairs living room to the upstairs bathrooms, the offsetting of different textures, colours, and tones is featured throughout. This is an exceptional build.”
Meanwhile, other companies connected to the area picked up awards too. They include Catalyst Construction from Beachlands for a build in Maraetai [gold], Emphasis Homes from Beachlands for a build in Whitford [gold], G Donaldson Builders from Beachlands for builds in Beachlands and Maraetai [2 golds], Landmark Homes Auckland for a build in Clevedon [gold], Taylor Construction 2016 from Sunnyhills for a build in Whitford [gold], Coppins Construction from Onehunga for a build in Maraetai [silver], Taylor Construction 2016 from Sunnyhills for a build in Sunnyhills [silver], Best Construction from Howick for a build in Mellons Bay [bronze] and JS Future Homes from Flat Bush for a build in Beachlands [bronze].