星期二, 1 月 28, 2025

‘I’ll guide you over how to save money!’

Many Kiwis are struggling to make ends meet due to the high cost of food and other goods. Photo supplied

The Times is giving local youngsters who want to write stories – which we’ll publish on our website and in our new digital publication – the chance to join our new Junior Journalist initiative.

Here’s a new report from Junior Journalist Alina Jiang.

Why do we always spend too much money on groceries, taxes or electric bills?

That’s the question, why does that always happen? Well if you’re reading this you don’t have to worry! I’ll guide you over how to save money!

If you’re buying groceries don’t go to the places with the more expensive price, buy it cheap at places like Pak’nSave, Why Knot Outlet Shop East Tamaki) and your Local Fruit and Vegetable Shops.

And before you go off shopping, make a list of all the less cheaper things, for example there’s two brands of peanut butter cans, one for $4.50 the other for $2.

Yes it may taste or the condition may be worse than the expensive one, but there’s not really a difference!

Peanut butter is peanut butter, there’s no different taste to it, or if the condition is that bad, like the saying don’t look at it from the outside see what is on the inside!

But in case there is an emergency and you’ve run out of food there are food banks: All Saints, St Andrews, Auckland East Elim, Salvation Army, Star of the Sea, Howick Baptist, St Mark’s, are all available for emergencies.

But make sure you research or ring them up to double-check when they are open!

Keeping the budget can be hard, sometimes we need help to save some money for food and shopping.

And we may not be able to buy things we need if they override the limit. So here are some rules to help with saving more money.

Everyone in the family needs to get involved and critically review your income and expenses and where the savings are. Introduce financial literacy to the kids about budgeting and savings.

Use simple on-line tools to track your weekly spending and check that against your goals.

But if you need an emergency loan or affordable places for clothes, essential items, cars and etc you can loan from the Salvation Army or Good Shepherd NZ and shop in OP shops such as: Hospice Shop, 42A Ben Lomond Cres, Hospice Shop Howick, Salvation Army Family Store, Pakuranga and Salvation Army Family Store, Botany/Golflands.

And for shopping you can: Examine your weekly grocery spending and find out where the savings are. Make a shopping list to avoid impulse purchases.

Consider buying generic brands and specials to save on groceries.

Control your fixed financial commitments first as they take top priority to keep your budget nice and healthy.

Hopefully all the tips I’ve provided can help you save more money for top priorities and things you want to do.

If not you can call a local budgeting company and they may provide you with more information than I have. Enjoy saving money!

  • Alina Jiang is in Year 6 at Owairoa Primary School

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