星期五, 1 月 31, 2025


Aucklanders have until this Friday to have their say on Auckland’s Emergency Budget says Howick Ward Councillor Sharon Stewart.

The Covid-19 pandemic has left a forecasted $525 million dollar hole in Auckland Council’s budget for next year, which means deep cuts are needed to its services across the region.

“The financial impact of Covid-19 on the council will impact all of us over the coming months and for years to come. It means we need to make significant cuts to services and projects to balance our budget. The choices are hard; we need your feedback to get it right.

“In Howick, we have many well-loved and used community spaces and places. We have 266 local parks, 14 sports parks, seven community places, four recreation centres, four libraries, three public toilets, two cemeteries and 69 community leases.

“This is why it’s so important that residents in Howick, and across the region, let us know what is important to them and their communities. This feedback will help us weigh up our options and make decisions based on what our communities tell us is important to them.

“We’re also asking residents for feedback on proposed rates rises of 2.5 and 3.5 per cent. The budget consultation document sets out clearly what these different options will mean to different key services that the council provides to Aucklanders.

“And we want to know what people think about our proposed rates postponement scheme.

“We need to hear your voices so we can make the right decisions in these unprecedented times. I do believe that together we can recover stronger and work towards a better Auckland for all.”

Times photo Wayne Martin

To have your say, visit akhaveyoursay.nz/emergency-budget

You can also provide feedback via social media using the hashtag #AKHaveYourSay, at your local library or service centre, by calling 09 301 0101 or by requesting a feedback form and returning it to the freepost address.

You have until 19 June to have your say.


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