星期四, 1 月 23, 2025

Lest we forget

There are several events being held in east Auckland to commemorate Anzac Day. Times file photo Wayne Martin

Anzac Day is a time to reflect on the servicemen and servicewomen, past and present, who have displayed courage and self-sacrifice serving our country.

The number of in-person services and ceremonies across the region is reduced as a result of the red-light setting when planning was undertaken.

Popular services at Waikumete and Browns Bay have been cancelled for this year, while the dawn service at the Auckland War Memorial Museum is not open to the public.

There are still many ways for all Aucklanders to honour the military veterans they know, by commemorating at home or in the community.

Check below for details of any parades and services across the region, as well as online events to commemorate Anzac Day on Monday April 25, 2022.


Beachlands Dawn Service
Service: 6am at corner of Wakelin Rd & Ealing Cres
Road closure: Full road closure Wakelin Rd, by Beach access 5.30am-6.30am
Other details: The dawn service will follow the Covid restrictions that are current as of 25 April 2022. As the service starts precisely at 6am, please attend by 5.45am. Please stay clear of the service area and the memorial until the completion of the dawn service. Please follow instructions from the organisers and service volunteers.
Contact: Fred Wilkings, 021 442 430 or fredwilkings@gmail.com

Howick Dawn Service
Parade assembly: 5.45am. Returned and Service members assemble for parade. (Please note that traditionally only Returned and Service personnel march in the Dawn Parade.)
Parade commences: 5.55am: March to the cenotaph on Stockade Hill. 6.05am: Parade arrives at Stockade Hill. Commence service.
Service: 6am at Stockade Hill, Howick. Corner of Mellons Bay Road and Ridge Road, Howick.
Contact: Mike Cole (RSA), 021 238 846 or natcole65@gmail.com

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