The New Year has begun with a bang. Let’s use our wonderful Stockade Hill.
We are inviting all Howickians to picnic on Stockade Hill on Auckland Anniversary Day (Monday) to really enjoy our amazing views.
There is no time limit but most families will be there from 3pm on January 30.
Bring your food, and your guitars or ukuleles and let families enjoy each other’s company, maybe sing and dance and meet other Howickians and enjoy the fabulous views from Stockade Hill as we see the sun go down on the sparkling Waitemata dotted with the last of the white sails of the regatta boats.
Above all, bring your cameras and take that winning shot of the view from Stockade Hill to enter our Howick Residents and Ratepayers Association (HRRA) Stockade Hill photo competition.
Your photos could become historic and priceless. The competition ends February 10, send entries to PO Box 38-370 as prints.
Our total fundraising has now reached $26,320 and we thank all our generous supporters but we are still desperately short of the required amount so we urge all the supporters of our Stockade Hill Views campaign to dig deep.
Payment can be made via internet banking to ASB Highland Park 12-3089-0123712-02 (name please) or to Givealittle.co.nz, key word “Stockade”.
Please also continue to sign our petition calling for the mayor and councillors to reject the up-zoning of the area opposite Stockade Hill.
We hope to present the petition to Mayor Phil Goff very soon.
To sign go to www.change.org key word “Stockade Hill”.
We await the High Court judgment in the next couple of weeks.
The HRRA has lodged appeals in the Environment and High Courts against the Council in an attempt to stop changes that would allow multiple 12-metre high buildings to be established from Bleakhouse to Park Hill roads on the seaward side of Stockade Hill, blocking views over the Hauraki Gulf from Stockade Hill and Crawford Reserve. The changes came about through the Auckland Unitary Plan.
By:Gayleen Mackereth
Gayleen Mackereth is the chair of the Howick Ratepayers and Residents Association.