星期五, 3 月 7, 2025

Light at the end of the tunnel?

Lockdown in Howick in April last year. Times photo Wayne Martin

Is there light at the end of the tunnel or is it all just a pipe dream?

On Monday November 8, the Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern advised the country that cabinet had agreed to move Auckland to Alert Level 3, Step 2 from 11.59 pm on the Tuesday. So, from Wednesday November 10, some businesses could open their doors to the public provided they adhered to strict public health guidelines

This was much-needed news for retail businesses, desperate to renew trading, but didn’t provide any assurances for a wealth of other businesses, including bars, cafes, restaurants, hairdressers, beauty therapists and other “close contact” businesses. The heralded arrival of the traffic light system, likely to be after November 29 may provide these businesses with some relief.

However, is it too late?

The festive season and summer is a time when numerous businesses make their money to tide them through the quieter winter months. Already we have seen two businesses on the main street of Howick close their doors because of the impact of Covid. I am hopeful there won’t be any others.

We NEED you to shop local and shop in Howick Village.

The public health restrictions placed on business has created an additional layer of administration/management and, of course, this comes at a cost. Still our businesses will adhere strictly to these guidelines to help ensure an extra layer of safety for the public and their staff.

So please expect to be asked to log in, wear a mask, maintain 2 metre social distancing and use hand sanitiser. These steps are all for your protection.

Howick Village is an open-air strip shopping centre, the perfect location to answer all your Christmas shopping needs. You will be welcomed back and met with a friendly greeting just like separated family.

So back to the initial question, is it light at the end of the tunnel or a pipe dream? Hopefully life is returning to near normal, however I don’t believe any of us see it as the same as pre-Covid-19 times. However, hopefully, it will be free enough for all of us to enjoy Christmas and the summer season.

On behalf of the Howick Village Business Association and its members, I wish you and your families a memorable and enjoyable festive season.


Ken Scott, Chair, HVA Inc.

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