星期三, 1 月 29, 2025

Charity dinner for chronic fatigue sufferers

Val Lott with Wendy Matthews.

Well-known Howick icon Val Lott is coordinating a charity dinner to raise funds for sufferers of ME and chronic fatigue.

The formal dinner will be held at The Lounge in Howick on Thursday July 29 from 6:30pm-10:30pm.

Lott – who for years ran the Miss Howick Pageant – was visiting the Charity Boutique in Rices Mall when she discovered Rest Assured Respite Charity Trust (RARCT) and its chairperson and trustee Wendy Matthews.

“I hadn’t heard of them before,” Lott says. “From meeting Wendy, I was astonished at the work she does from her bed and the burning desire she has to help others.”

It was this that encouraged Lott to coordinate the dinner.

RARCT is a registered charity looking to provide practical support to those with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and Fibromyalgia (FM). The aim of the trust is to provide a place of respite for those with the illnesses.

Whitford resident Matthews was diagnosed with ME in 1994 after a “bout of flu that left me with symptoms that worsened rather than improved”.

She has been bed-bound for 16 years.

“The trust helps people like me,” Matthews says.

RARCT has several programmes that aid those with circumstances similar to Matthews’.

One is their meal support programme that provides sufferers with access to meals that they cannot get themselves.

Matthews say some don’t see others for days and can’t get their own meals.

“We provide around 51 people with regular meals,” Matthews says. “It continues to grow.”

Matthews and Lott feel that the illnesses aren’t well known. “Not many people know of ME and the related illnesses,” Matthews says. “[About] 20,000 New Zealanders have ME and around 25 per cent are severely affected.”

Lott was inspired by Matthews’s enthusiasm to help people. “She’s amazing. She and the trust do so much for sufferers.”

The charity dinner will raise money for RARCT and aid them with their long-term goals of opening a respite treatment facility and growing their programmes to support sufferers.

Guests will be treated to a complimentary drink on arrival and a delicious, hot winter dinner followed dessert and entertainment.

Former professional rugby league player Richie Barnett is guest speaker.

The music and singing features Brian Paladin and Chris Bevan. Bevan also suffered from ME when she was 17.

There will be raffles and a silent auction too.

“Maxwell and Williams generously donated homeware for the auction,” Lott says. “Joanne Roberts from Camilla design donated a $900 dress and CACI Howick provided us with a special treatment.”

Avenrose Florist and New World Howick are also sponsors for the dinner.

Additionally, there will be a prize of dinner for two on a luxury yacht.

“Linda Jackson from The Lounge has kindly allowed us to have the venue free of charge,” Lott says. “The community support has been wonderful.”

Tickets can be purchased for $55 from the Charity Boutique in Rices Mall or through email to Val Lott at lotts@xtra.co.nz.

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