星期三, 12 月 18, 2024

Lovely floral start to winter

The sunflowers in Fencible Walk, Howick, are giving the area some colour. File photo supplied
  • By Adele White, Howick Local Board chairperson

Kia ora!

How lovely to see the beautiful display of sunflowers bobbing away in Fencible Walk, Howick.

A lady passing by commented on how she saw them as a garden full of happy faces!

Perfect as we encounter the winter months.

Whilst the Howick Local Board continues to carry out business meetings and workshops online, it has been good to get out and about again to meet with local groups and attend their events.

Auckland’s best half-pipe

Scooters and skateboarders from far and wide came to try out this new addition to the Lloyd Elsmore skate park, opened recently.

It was fantastic to see our young people enjoying this facility amid a happy atmosphere complete with live band and a sausage sizzle onsite to celebrate.

Spending a penny

Toilets at Grangers Point in Bucklands Beach and Rogers Park at Eastern Beach have recently undergone refurbishment.

Each has been given a smart coat of paint with new stainless steel amenities installed.

New play spaces

This month we will officially “open” new play spaces at Earnslaw Park and Cockle Bay Beach.

We are sure that local youngsters will enjoy these lovely new places to play. Plan a school holiday visit!

Coming to Barry Curtis Park

Barry Curtis Park in Flat Bush has become a popular gathering place for outdoor events.

Improvements are being made to a dedicated events area which will provide power supply, and eventually shade for users.

We are thrilled to advise also that works are to begin in July to construct a long-anticipated second shelter in this park.

These serve as a resting place for walkers and are popular as a “meet and chat” spot for many elderly residents in the area.

Howick 175 years celebration

Howick is certainly alive with excitement as groups, businesses, schools, enthusiastic locals and a dedicated steering group plan events and activities to take place over the coming months.

It is wonderful to see the interest from many sectors of our wider community, with some events having already been held.

Keep up to date with the news, celebration programme and some great stories on www.howick175.co.nz.

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