星期二,3 月 4 日,2025

Media gang story was wrong: College

Pakuranga College has denounced a media report this week claiming young gang members waited outside the school with weapons, seeking to attack a student.

Teen Trouble: Members of the so-called Green Gang, which has come to prominence in the past few days after allegedly turning up at a family home demanding to see a couple’s teenage son. Photo Facebook

That erroneous news story – published in the NZ Herald – was wrong, the school claims. That paper’s story follows revelations in the Times last week that a group of drunk teens calling themselves the Green Gang intimidated a Northpark family, turning up at their home wearing bandanas demanding to see their teenage son.

This week the Times reported that a social media site post claimed: “So have just heard there’s been another incident at Pakuranga College involving the green gang. A bunch of girls in the “gang” waited outside the college with wrenches up their sleeves in an attempt to attack a young girl. Luckily other students got to the girl and got her to the office before the gang got her.”

The Times reported that it was likely to be untrue however the Herald suggested otherwise.

The college has subsequently issued a statement countering the Herald’s story.

The full unedited statement reads: “It has been reported in the NZ Herald in an article titled, ‘Green Gang’ threatening students,’  ‘that most recently, a small group of  youths waited with wrenches hidden up their sleeves for a Pakuranga College student to leave school. However, the girl was intercepted by another student and taken to school officials, who notified the Community Constable.’

“This is not accurate, as we have undertaken enquiries and no school official was approached as stated in this extract. We have no record of any such incident involving Pakuranga College students.

“The article goes on to make reference to the activities of teenagers in the community calling themselves the ‘Green Gang’ and reference was made to our board chair person’s comments, who referred to multiple incidents involving the ‘Green Gang this year, which have been referred to the Police’.

“We also wish to correct this statement, as the board chair, Trevor Middleton, was referring to instances in the community.

“Pakuranga College is aware that there have been a number of incidents within the community involving a group of teenagers and we have met with Police to discuss the activities of this group and to better understand what if any risk they pose to students at our school. We have been advised that they are a relatively small group of individuals within the community.

We take the safety of our students extremely seriously and pride ourselves on providing a safe environment. We would encourage any parent whose child is the subject of intimidation from others within the community, to report to us and the Police.”

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