Experienced Ministers will hold key economic recovery and ongoing Covid response portfolios in the new Cabinet line-up announced by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern yesterday.
“The next three years will be very challenging for New Zealand. With the global outlook worsening, we won’t be immune to the ongoing impact Covid is having around the world,” Ardern said in a media release.
“With this in mind, the new Labour Government will have two overarching priorities: to drive our economic recovery from Covid-19, and to continue our health response to keep New Zealanders safe from the virus.
“In what will be a difficult environment, it’s critical we have our most experienced Ministers leading the ongoing Covid response to keep New Zealanders safe from the virus and to accelerate our plan for economic recovery.
Grant Robertson will become Deputy Prime Minister, Finance Minister and Infrastructure Minister “drawing together the key portfolios central to that economic recovery”.
“Our recovery plan includes $42 billion of infrastructure investment that will create jobs and ensure our economic recovery also delivers much needed improvements to our roads and public transport, to schools, hospitals and housing, while also continuing to support our regions,” the Prime Minister said.
“Chris Hipkins becomes the Minister for Covid-19 Response. This is a new role that will give the Minister responsibility for all aspects of our ongoing response, including the running of managed isolation facilities, our border defences as well as our health response including our testing and contact tracing systems and managing any resurgence of the virus.
“Andrew Little will become the Minister of Health, driving overdue reforms of the system aimed at improving health outcomes for all New Zealanders.”
He will be supported by Peeni Henare and Dr Ayesha Verrall who will focus on Maori Health and Public Health respectively.
“Nanaia Mahuta will become the Minister of Foreign Affairs – the first woman in our nation’s history appointed to hold the portfolio. She will bring the experience she has already built with an Associate Trade and Export Growth portfolio in the last term,” Ardern said.
“I am excited by this team. They bring experience from the ground, and from within politics. But they also represent renewal and reflect the New Zealand we live in today.
“We know we have a big job ahead of us, but the skills, experience and commitment this team brings to the task is invaluable.”
- Portfolios other responsibilities
1 Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern Prime Minister Minister for National Security and Intelligence Minister for Child Poverty Reduction Minister Responsible for Ministerial Services Associate Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage
2 Hon Grant Robertson Deputy Prime Minister Minister of Finance Minister for Infrastructure Minister for Racing Minister for Sport and Recreation
3 Hon Kelvin Davis Minister for Māori Crown Relations: Te Arawhiti Minister for Children Minister of Corrections Associate Minister of Education (Māori Education)
4 Hon Dr Megan Woods Minister of Housing Minister of Energy and Resources Minister of Research, Science and Innovation Associate Minister of
5 Hon Chris Hipkins Minister for COVID-19 Response Minister of Education Minister for the Public Service Leader of the House
6 Hon Carmel Sepuloni Minister for Social Development and Employment Minister for ACC Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage Minister for Disability Issues
7 Hon Andrew Little Minister of Health Minister Responsible for the GCSB Minister Responsible for the NZSIS Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Minister Responsible for Pike River Re-entry
8 Hon David Parker Attorney-General Minister for the Environment Minister for Oceans and Fisheries Minister of Revenue Associate Minister of Finance
9 Hon Nanaia Mahuta Minister of Foreign Affairs Minister of Local Government Associate Minister for Māori Development
10 Hon Poto Williams Minister for Building and Construction Minister of Police Associate Minister for Children Associate Minister of Housing (Public Housing)
11 Hon Damien O’Connor Minister of Agriculture Minister for Biosecurity Minister for Land Information Minister for Rural Communities Minister for Trade and Export Growth
12 Hon Stuart Nash Minister for Economic and Regional Development Minister of Forestry Minister for Small Business Minister of Tourism
13 Hon Kris Faafoi Minister of Justice Minister for Broadcasting and Media Minister of Immigration
14 Hon Peeni Henare Minister of Defence Minister for Whānau Ora Associate Minister of Health (Māori Health) Associate Minister of Housing (Māori Housing) Associate Minister of Tourism
15 Hon Willie Jackson Minister for Māori Development Associate Minister for ACC Associate Minister of Justice
16 Jan Tinetti Minister of Internal Affairs Minister for Women Associate Minister of Education
17 Michael Wood Minister of Transport Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety Deputy Leader of the House
18 Kiri Allan Minister of Conservation Minister for Emergency Management Associate Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage Associate Minister for the Environment
19 Hon Dr David Clark Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister for the Digital Economy and Communications Minister for State Owned Enterprises Minister of Statistics Minister Responsible for the Earthquake Commission
20 Ayesha Verrall Minister for Food Safety Minister for Seniors Associate Minister of Health Associate Minister of Research, Science and Innovation
- Ministers outside Cabinet
Hon Aupito William Sio Minister for Courts Minister for Pacific Peoples Associate Minister of Foreign Affairs Associate Minister of Education (Pacific Peoples) Associate Minister of Justice Associate Minister of Health (Pacific Peoples)
Hon Meka Whaitiri Minister of Customs Minister for Veterans Associate Minister of Agriculture (Animal Welfare) Associate Minister of Statistics
Hon Phil Twyford Minister for Disarmament and Arms Control Minister of State for Trade and Export Growth Associate Minister for the Environment Associate Minister of Immigration
Priyanca Radhakrishnan Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector Minister for Diversity, Inclusion and Ethnic Communities Minister for Youth Associate Minister for Social Development and Employment CO-OPERATION AGREEMENT MINISTERS
Portfolios Other responsibilities Marama Davidson Minister for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence Associate Minister of Housing (Homelessness)
Hon James Shaw Minister of Climate Change Associate Minister for the Environment (Biodiversity)
- Parliamentary Under-secretaries
Rino Tirikatene MP Parliamentary Under-Secretary to the Minister for Oceans and Fisheries Minister for Trade and Export Growth (Māori Trade)
Deborah Russell MP Parliamentary Under-Secretary to the Minister of Revenue