星期三, 1 月 29, 2025

New minister welcomed into community

Stefanie Oh is the new assistant minister at East City Wesleyan Church.

A local church is welcoming a new pastoral worker into its community.

East City Wesleyan Church has engaged Stefanie Oh, 36, as an assistant minister/pastoral worker.

Oh, 37, was born and raised in Singapore. A former auditor, she’d never left the island for more than two weeks.

“Before moving to New Zealand (NZ) in May 2019 with my husband George, I was a city mouse,” Oh says. “Singapore’s an urban jungle. It’s nothing like NZ.

“The space and scenery are the biggest differences.”

She was ordained in Singapore by the Methodist Church in late 2018. “I think that’s (ordination) a call God had all my life,” Oh says. “I sensed that call when I was sixteen.”

From a young age, Oh’s family was heavily involved in the Charis Methodist Church. Her parents divorced when she was a child. “There were many senior church members who took me and my siblings under their wing.”

By that time she received the call at 16, she was already very active in the church. She was in the youth ministry, leading a small group, involved in the worship ministry and was well-respected by fellow church members.

Oh has, at some points in her youth, had issues with her faith.

“It was quite hard for me in my teenage years. I was going to church but, at the same time, I was questioning why all these things in my life that didn’t seem to be happening to other people,” says Oh.

“My friends had happy homes, they didn’t have financial issues. There were many times that there was a school trip and they couldn’t afford to send me.

“In hindsight, I’m glad to have grown up in that environment. It helped me to figure out who I was. It taught me to talk to God.”

After her work in the youth ministry, Oh led a group in the young adult ministry. She’s still in touch with members of the group.

Oh was an auditor for three years before she attended Trinity Theological College. Her studies were funded by the church. She graduated with a Masters of Divinity.

Once she graduated, she was involved in outreach and organised events for the community.

In May 2019, she moved to New Zealand with her husband. While searching for opportunities, she became pregnant with her son, Robbie, and took a year of maternity leave.

In April 2021, she got in touch with Rev Dr Richard Waugh, the senior minister of East City Wesleyan Church. “The first time I visited, I loved the church,” she says. “It is so multi-cultural. We felt the warmth of the church.”

Oh is now the church’s new assistant minister and is involved in pastoral care. “We give members who are struggling with Covid-19, or are undergoing medical treatment, support and encouragement.”

The community and church, she says, is a joy.

“We were so happy to come back. This congregation is so warm and inviting. Robbie just fit in immediately!”

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