星期三, 3 月 26, 2025

PM: Public funeral service for Mike Moore

Former Labour Prime Minister Mike Moore had a home in Maraetai. Photo AP

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced a funeral service for former Labour Prime Minister Mike Moore whose home was in Maraetai.

A public service will be held on Friday, February 14 at 2pm at Dilworth School senior campus, 2 Erin Street, Epsom.

“The service will be a celebration of Mike’s life and a chance for his family, friends and members of the public to pay their respects,” Ardern said.

“It will be an opportunity to acknowledge Mike’s major contribution through years of public service to New Zealand and New Zealanders, and for his considerable roles in the international arena.”

The service is being arranged in coordination with Mr Moore’s widow, Yvonne Moore.

A condolence book is available to the public in the main foyer of Parliament House.

Mr Moore, formerly New Zealand’s Ambassador to the United States, had a home at Omana Beach in Maraetai.

Moore died on February 2. He was 71.

Moore was at his home in Auckland when he died, his wife Yvonne said.

Moore suffered a stroke in 2015 when he was New Zealand’s ambassador in Washington DC and had been in declining health in recent years. Mrs Moore said her husband had numerous health issues since his stroke.

Ardern said in a statement last week: “My condolences go to Mike’s wife Yvonne and his family.

“I feel incredibly lucky to have seen Mike only on Friday. He never lost his interest and passion for politics, because he saw it as such an important vehicle for change.

“During Mike’s long parliamentary career he held the positions of Prime Minister, Deputy Minister of Finance, Minister of External Relations and Trade, Minister of Tourism, Sport and Recreation, and he was Minister of Overseas Trade and Marketing.

“While Mike made his mark is many ways, one of his enduring legacies to New Zealand is the work he did opening up world trade and gaining access for New Zealand exporters to new markets. That was a legacy he also left for the world.

“Through both his lead role in the GATT trade round and in his tenure as Director General of the World Trade Organisation, he dedicated his life to the service of New Zealand.

“A member of The Order of New Zealand and former Ambassador to the United States, Mike was passionate about our country and ensuring it’s place in the modern world.

“The world lost a man with a huge intellect, and huge heart.

“E te rangatira, moe mai, moe mai, moe mai ra,” Ardern said.



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