Police are encouraging parents and caregivers to ensure their children are well looked after while they’re out trick-or-treating on Halloween, held each year on October 31.
Prevention Manager Superintendent Eric Tibbott says Halloween activities can be fun for children to dress up, go trick-or-treating for sweets with friends and family, but it’s important to stay safe.
“Although it’s a fun night out it’s good to remember that not everyone likes to take part in Halloween or can take part,” he says.
“Halloween is mostly a fun time for children and young people, but not everyone, young or old, is able to participate or appreciates repeated knocks on the door.
“All we ask is that trick-or-treaters are respectful of others.”
Tibbott says if residents don’t want to take part in Halloween, they could place a sign on their front door or gate to stop young visitors looking for lollies.
“It’s important to remember young children should be supervised at all times, staying in areas where they know their neighbours, staying with friends or an adult, and respecting people’s privacy.”
Police recommend:
- Parents or caregivers should accompany children and not let them go off with people they do not know.
• Trick-or-treat in areas that are well lit and only go where children know the residents.
• Always go with an adult or if you’re a teen – stay together with your friends.
• If you see a sign on the door that says ‘no trick-or-treating here’ or similar then respect their wishes.
• Householders don’t have to open the door or respond to knocks from Halloween visitors.
“As an alternative, children and parents could attend a local community event instead, if there’s one in the neighbourhood,” Tibbott says.
“If there are problems or incidents outside homes, especially late in the evening, don’t hesitate to phone police for advice on 105 or for urgent help if someone is in danger, on 111.”