星期三, 3 月 5, 2025

Keeping New Zealand moving

Infrastructure supports much of our daily lives and is a key driver of the economy, and public services.

Investing in infrastructure creates jobs and offers training opportunities.

Since being elected in 2008 the Government has committed billions of dollars for infrastructure. Investment in modern infrastructure is a priority and Government capital spending over the next five years is forecast to total $32 billion with major investments in transport, schools, hospitals, defence, and housing.

In Budget 2017 we announced an $11b increase in new infrastructure spending over the next four budgets. Our infrastructure spending continues to boost productivity and help provide the public services we need for a growing country.

When National came into Government in 2008 we decided we needed a way to fast-track important transport infrastructure projects. We could see that some projects needed to be constructed and built as quickly as possible, so we developed the Roads of National Significance programme.

The Waterview Tunnel, which opened to traffic on Sunday, is the biggest change to Auckland’s transport system since the opening of the Harbour Bridge in 1959. It is the final link in the $2.4b Western Ring Route – one of the Government’s seven Roads of National Significance.

The Western Ring Route is a 48 kilometre motorway alternative to State Highway 1 and the Auckland Harbour Bridge, bypassing the city to the west.

It will also help people get to and from the airport. It is expected to produce wider economic benefits worth $430 million, through improved productivity and reduced travel time, and create more than 18,000 jobs.

There are significant transport projects under way right across New Zealand.

For us locally, the East West Link and the AMETI projects are going to be vitally important.
The main parts of the East West Link are going through a consenting process at the moment, and the Panmure to Pakuranga busway as part of AMETI will see construction commence next year.

This will be followed by the Reeves Road Flyover and busway to Botany.

As a small, exporting nation, New Zealand relies on a robust transport network to move people, goods, and services safely and efficiently.

This is what we are working hard to achieve and keep New Zealand moving and growing.

Jami-Lee Ross
Member of Parliament for Botany

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