星期三, 3 月 19, 2025

The Times asks: Have you voted in the Botany by-election?

YES I HAVE: When approached by the Times on Monday evening, Vicky Jones (top left), Regan Pretorius (top right), Sonya Eastlake (bottom right) and Christophor Abrahams (bottom left) said they had all voted in the Botany by-election. Times photos Scott Yeoman.

Of the 45 people approached by the Times at Botany Town Centre and outside Pak’nSave Ormiston on Monday evening, 35 said they hadn’t yet voted in the Botany by-election.

Voting closes at noon tomorrow.

Of the 10 people who said they had voted, six had chosen Mike Turinsky to fill the vacant seat on the Howick Local Board. Two said they had voted for Ailian Su, one for Julie Patterson and one for Malcolm Page.

Of the 35 people who hadn’t yet voted, 20 said they would still be voting – 16 did not know who they would be voting for, three said they would be voting for Julie Patterson and one said they would be voting for Kuan Yap.

Fifteen people said they would not be voting at all.

This unscientific street poll was about getting an early snapshot of voter turnout in the Botany subdivision and a general idea of which way voters are leaning.

In the October 2016 election, which was also a postal vote, voter turnout in the Botany subdivision was 36.9 per cent – the lowest of the three Howick Local Board subdivisions.

But all hope is not lost – in Auckland on October 8 last year (deadline day), around 18,000 votes were hand delivered to ballot boxes on the Saturday morning before midday.

That can still be done today and before 12pm tomorrow at Botany Library or at the Electoral Office on Federal Street in central Auckland.

There are around 36,000 enrolled electors in the Botany subdivision – which encompasses Flat Bush, East Tamaki, East Tamaki Heights and Ormiston – including around 200 new voters who turned 18 since the main local body elections were held in October.

The by-election is expected to cost up to $104,000.

Results will be available from tomorrow afternoon and the Times will have live coverage on its website (times.co.nz), as well as on its Facebook and Twitter pages.

Voters have until noon tomorrow (February 17) to get their voting documents back to the Electoral Officer by mail using the pre-paid envelopes provided, or by dropping them at a ballot box.

Ballot boxes and completed special votes will be accepted until noon on February 17 at:

  • Botany Library, Level 1, Sunset Terrace, Botany Town Centre
  • The Electoral Office, Independent Election Services Ltd, Level 2, 198 Federal Street, Auckland.

Any person within the electoral area who has not registered to vote may still do so by requesting a special vote at those locations.

Residents who want to vote in the Howick Local Board Botany subdivision by-election can see if they live at an eligible address by checking the Botany subdivision map on the Auckland Council website, or at: showyourlove.co.nz.


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