星期六, 3 月 29, 2025

Pressure to criminalise stalking following brutal murder

Farzana Yaqubi was stalked and harassed before she was stabbed to death in 2022. File photo supplied

Pressure is building on the Government to pass a law that would make stalking a criminal offense following an east Auckland man’s brutal murder of a young woman.

Labour Party police spokesperson Ginny Andersen has drafted a Bill that would add stalking to the Crimes Act.

She says stalking can make a victim feel extremely unsafe and insecure, as well as in some cases result in serious assault or even death, she says.

“In the case of Farzana Yaqubi, the Independent Police Conduct Authority found more should have been done to follow lines of enquiry in her case.

“There’s a chance her death could have been prevented.”

Andersen says stalking would have been committed if a person causes someone to fear violence will be used against them, or causes alarm or distress to the extent it has an adverse impact on their day-to-day activities.

“This could include following, watching, monitoring, tracking or spying upon a person; contacting, or attempting to contact, publishing material, monitoring, loitering, obstructing, interfering with property; or using a third party – individual or other entity – to harass or intimidate a person.

“The murder of Farzana Yaqubi is a public case that could have been prevented, but there are plenty of other cases that go unreported.

“This bill will help ensure the safety and sanity of people in our community, and ensure police are treating stalking just like any other crime.”

Andersen’s Bill comes in the wake of the 2022 murder of Yaqubi by East Tamaki man Kanwarpal Singh.

The pair had met during a chance encounter, which led to Singh stalking and harassing the 21-year-old law student.

He continuously messaged her via social media and threatened to kidnap her and throw acid in her face.

Singh also followed her at an Auckland shopping centre, sent her a video taken outside her home, and had a pizza delivered to her property.

She reported him to police on multiple occasions as his behaviour continued to escalate.

The situation culminated in Singh stabbing Yaqubi to death while she was walking home on December 19, 2022.

She received 12 stab wounds as well as defensive injuries including a partly severed thumb.

Four of the stab wounds would have been individually fatal.

He was arrested and charged and eventually sentenced to serve life imprisonment with a minimum term of 17 years.

The Coalition for the Safety of Women and Children has published an open letter to Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith on stalking that’s backed by a petition signed by more than 7000 people.

It states New Zealand is seeing a “dramatic increase” in online stalking and harassment.

“This dangerous, harmful behaviour is illegal in Australia, the United States, the UK, and Europe, but not in New Zealand.

“Our current laws are piecemeal and inadequate. They often make it impossible for victims/survivors to be safe.

“This has to change for the peace of mind of all New Zealanders.”

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