星期日, 3 月 23, 2025


Following New Zealand’s move to Alert Level 1 and the relaxation of restrictions, there was one major safeguard that remained in place to protect us after our sacrifices and struggles had overcome the Covid-19 coronavirus.

This safeguard is our border, one we are very lucky is made up entirely of water. This fact alone should make the process of keeping the virus out significantly easier than a majority of countries around the world.

But somehow the Government stuffed it up. Last week we learned of several instances of quarantined persons being allowed to leave their isolation early on compassionate grounds, without having met basic tests to ensure they were free of the virus. As it turns out, they weren’t.

Let me first be clear: I am not opposed to the ability to grant exemptions to leave early on compassionate grounds.

I have heard too many stories of heartbreak and sadness to know that we must have a process for people who have a legitimate reason to leave their isolation early, and I think most Kiwis agree.

But what we also assumed is that strict controls would be in place to ensure that anyone leaving early did so safely and responsibly with a Covid-19 test and without putting anyone else at risk.

This virus spreads too easily and does not need our help to do what it so loves: infect people and make them sick.

There are several things that could and should have been done before these exemptions were granted, or indeed before anyone is allowed to leave quarantine, the first and most obvious being to test them for Covid-19 before letting them go.

This should involve a formal medical check right as they’re leaving the building to identify any symptoms, even if the test comes back negative.

We should provide anyone leaving early with an emergency number they can call should they run into trouble, such as “getting lost”, so that they do not have to come into contact with unsuspecting persons through “phone-a-friend”.

Questions must also be asked of how the quarantine itself is being managed with reports that people from different arrival groups have been allowed to mingle, something that obviously shouldn’t be happening.

These are logical and common-sense practices that do not require a great deal of effort or intelligence to implement and enforce, yet here we are.

The Government’s failure to ensure the right processes were in place have not only jeoparised our success against the virus, but potentially delayed further measures designed to ease restrictions responsibly.

This includes things like bringing international students back, creating bubbles with other nations that have handled the pandemic well and reuniting migrant families who have been separated due to the travel ban.

If the country can’t have confidence in our officials to handle something as simple as testing someone before they leave managed isolation, how can we trust them to handle anything greater?

Simeon Brown

MP for Pakuranga



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