星期日, 3 月 9, 2025

Somerville Intermediate athletics day results

The weather was lovely for Somerville Intermediate’s athletics day. Times photos Wayne Martin

The top three placegetters in each of the events from Somerville Intermediate’s athletics day on November 7 at Lloyd Elsmore Park:

Y7 Girls 1500m – Danielle Asiata 1, Sophie White 2, Lucy Lonie 3. Y7 Boys 1500m – Ryan Burgoyne 1, Connor Boulton 2, Isaac Smith 3. Y8 Girls 1500m – Kayla Conover 1, Hannah Webb 2, Gabby MacDonald 3.
Y8 Boys 1500m – Dylan Koshy 1, Shay Dawson 2, Marco Fulgoni 3. Y7 Girls 800m – Danielle Asiata 1, Mia Petford 2, Lucy Lonie 3. Y7 Boys 800m – Ryan Burgoyne 1, Nicholas Rooney 2, Thomas Blakeman 3.

Y8 Girls 800m – Anjalee Singh 1, Kayla Conover 2, Hannah Webb 3. Y8 Boys 800m – Dylan Koshy 1, Chetan Chand 2, Shay Dawson 3. Y7 Girls 400m – Shayla Nepia 1, Danielle Asiata 2, Demi-Lee Morris 3. Y7 Boys 400m – Preston Field 1, Ryan Burgoyne 2, Nicholas Rooney 3. Y8 Girls 400m – Anjalee Singh 1, Ashley Pauling 2, Richa Kadakia 3. Y8 Boys 400m – Trent MacCallum 1, Chetan Chand 2, Dylan Koshy 3. Y7 Girls 200m – Shayla Nepia 1, Demi-Lee Morris 2, Indie Nichols 3. Y7 Boys 200m – Kaiden Warren 1, Hunter Brown 2, Killian Armstrong 3. Y8 Girls 200m – Anjalee Singh 1, Emma Singer 2, Richa Kadakia 3. Y8 Boys 200m – Trent MacCallum 1, Cruiz Overend 2, Chetan Chand 3.

Y7 Girls 100m – Shayla Nepia 1, Indie Nichols 2, Demi-Lee Morris 3. Y7 Boys 100m – Hunter Brown 1, Kaiden Warren 2, Killian Armstrong 3. Y8 Girls 100m – Emma Singer 1, Erin Stuck 2, Richa Kadakia 3. Y8 Boys 100m – Cruiz Overend 1, Trent MacCallum 2, Leo Jeon 3. Y7 Girls Discus – Shayla Nepia 1, Jonelle Puletiuatoa 2, Cheyanne Fynn 3. Y7 Boys Discus – Isaac Smith 1, James Croy 2, Jaashan Virk 3. Y8 Girls Discus – TMax Jones 1, Lydia Burge 2, Danielle Curlett 3.

Y8 Boys Discus – Leo Jeon 1, Gabriel Anacin 2, Ashton Smith 3. Y7 Girls High Jump – Estelle Ruijne 1, Olivia Taylor 2, Nadine Wesseling 3. Y7 Boys High Jump – Hayden Page 1, Kaiden Warren 2, Harley Gray 3. Y8 Girls High Jump – Lucy Wessels 1, Diana Lister 2, Diza Arora 3. Y8 Boys High Jump – Trent MacCallum 1, Peter Peng 2, Chris Henty 3. Y7 Girls Long Jump – Shayla Nepia 1, Sophie White 2, Lucy Lonie 3. Y7 Boys Long Jump – Kaiden Warren 1, Hunter Brown 2, Dylan van Tonder 3. Y8 Girls Long Jump – Diana Lister 1, Jordan Glen-Campbell 2, Diza Arora 3. Y8 Boys Long Jump – Cruiz Overend 1, Russell Tan 2, Alex Widvey 3.

Y7 Girls Shot Put – Cheyanne Fynn 1, Molly Leat 2, Mia Petford 3. Y7 Boys Shot Put – Gary Basson 1, Isaac Smith 2, James Croy 3. Y8 Girls Shot Put – Sareen Meredith 1, TMax Jones 2, Amy Jupp 3. Y8 Boys Shot Put – Harry Shi 1, Gabriel Anacin 2, Seth Hutchin.

Chris Henty clears his jump.
Danielle Asiata looks comfortable in her race.
Danielle Curlett winds up in the discus.
Emma Singer was first in the Y8 Girls 100m.
John Christie races home.
Lachlan Hawker gets plenty of air.
Shayla Nepia was first in the Y7 Girls 100m.


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