A recent illustration competition held by East Auckland Tourism for 8 – 16-year-olds asked participants to show why they love east Auckland by depicting their special place or activity.
“The entries are amazing, colourful and each is a masterpiece in its own right,” says East Auckland Tourism’s Annette Smart.
Entries depicting nature, the beaches and a variety of local sports and hobbies are on display in the foyer at Uxbridge Arts and Culture until Monday, May 15.
Look out for the East Auckland Art Trail coming up in July eastaucklandtourism.co.nz/what-s-on/events.
Winner of the 13-16 category
Sunset at Bucklands Beach – Die-Anche Rautenbach
Judge’s comments: “Love the movement and reflection and how the sun has been accentuated in the reflection and the movement of the waves, really captures the feeling of the evening, the brightness of the sun on the horizon is absolutely perfect.”
Winner of the 8 – 12 category

Sunset at Bucklands Beach – Quora Stotts
Judge’s comments: “Love the colours, it’s very dynamic, it’s painterly with good brushwork and great reflections, just a beautiful scene of the beach and east Auckland.”
People’s Choice
Natasha Rogers – Golden Bay (Half Moon Bay)
Judge’s comments: “Love this – the colours and sky are great, water movement is well depicted, and the moored boats tell you exactly where it is.”
Judge’s comments about the competition in general: “It is interesting how each one is quite different, although with some recurring themes everyone has a different favourite spot or activity which is really cool.”