- By Simeon Brown, MP for Pakuranga
It has been a few weeks now since New Zealanders voted for change and asked a National-led government to deliver it.
With the final results to be declared at the end of this week, Pakuranga looks set to deliver one of the highest party vote shares for National in the country – second only to Botany – demonstrating the strong mood for change across east Auckland.
Frankly, this didn’t surprise me, as I have heard from many of you over the last few months of the campaign telling me we needed a new Government and a new direction for New Zealand.
The rest of the country agrees with you.
While we must wait for the special votes to be counted and the final results to be declared, it is clear the next Government will be formed by National and led by Christopher Luxon as Prime Minister.
This was an incredibly important election for New Zealand, with many Kiwis struggling to make ends meet and hoping for a better future for themselves and for their families. Help is on the way.
National is ready to get our country back on the path to prosperity, to get our economy growing again, to deliver world class healthcare and education, and to ensure a better life for everyone who calls New Zealand home.
I was also grateful to have been re-elected as the Member of Parliament for Pakuranga, and to be asked to continue representing you on the issues that matter to our community.
Being your local MP is a great privilege and whatever role I may be asked to play in the next Government, my priority will always be the people of Pakuranga.
There is simply no better place to live, work, and raise a family, and I will always work hard to keep it that way.
It is time now to focus on the future we all want for our country.
If this election made anything clear, it’s that just about everyone agrees we have gone backwards in recent years.
Thank you for placing your trust in me as your local MP, and for supporting the National Party to bring about the change New Zealand so desperately needs.
As always, if you are ever in need of assistance, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
You can call my office on 572 0000 or email me at PakurangaMP@parliament.govt.nz.