The Times Media business is going on the market for the first time in more than five decades of service to the community.
Owner and co-founder Reay Neben, who was diagnosed with cancer four years ago and continues to battle health complications, is selling the business and hopes a community-minded person or business buys it.
“For 52 years, the Howick and Pakuranga Times has celebrated local heroes, informed the community on critical issues, entertained generations, sponsored community organisations, donated to local charities, organised iconic events, welcomed a diversity of people and communities and delivered local news,” Neben said.
“I’ve found the day-to-day demands of heading a media business more and more taxing and I need to focus on my well-being, husband Brian and my family.
“The Times is not just a business, it’s a public institution which the community has grown to trust over generations.
“I don’t want to see the legacy lost. The challenge is finding the right buyer or buyers, perhaps a group of dedicated, community-based people who would like to continue to give back to this area.
“I don’t believe our community can afford to lose its newspaper so that’s why I’m reaching out.”
Although potential investors have emerged, Neben is adamant the ownership of the Times should pass to investors who have the community at heart.
“We have a very talented team with a wealth of industry knowledge. I’d love to see the company stewardship pass to a new vibrant and passionate owner soon,” she says.
“We’ve made significant improvements in the last year, including multi-faceted digital platform development to future-proof the business.”
- Interested? Contact broker Tony Andrew on tony.andrew@linkbusiness.co.nz or 021938560 or chat to editor Nick Krause or Reay Neben on 09 271 8000.