星期三, 1 月 22, 2025

Tuia lines up 200th match

Tony Tuia’s (left) name is synonymous around ARL clubs as a player everyone wants to take the field with. Photo Kiwi League Central

By Josh Garry

The 60th year at the Howick Hornets has given everyone plenty of reason to celebrate to date, and this Saturday at Paparoa Park will be no different.

Howick v Mangere East is now a must-win for the Hornets’ top side after going down to competition leaders Pt Chev at the weekend. This alone is normally motivation enough for any team to turn up and perform.

This game however, will be one that will go down in Howick Hornets, and Fox Memorial history for ever more, especially for one man in particular – no matter the result.

Originally hailing from the famous Mt Wellington Warriors, Howick’s man mountain himself, Tony Tuia, has called Paparoa Park his home for over a decade now, leading the club to two Fox Memorial premierships in that time.

The weekend just gone saw Tuia run out for his 199th Premier game for Howick.

Tuia’s commitment, passion and support toward his adopted club has been extraordinary over this time.

His unrelenting efforts on the field have been whole-heartedly matched by his support off it.

He is a one-of-a-kind character that has given his all to the Hornets, and rugby league in general for many years.

Tuia’s name is synonymous around ARL clubs as a player everyone wants to take the field with, either as a teammate or an opposing player, you always want to run around with, or test yourself out against the best, and nobody – except Tony – would argue, he is exactly that.

Tuia is a man who has done Howick very proud for all of his 199 games, and this Saturday, (2:30 at Paparoa Park) will be our community’s chance to repay that commitment a big way – 200 first division games is no small feat, especially playing in the front row.

Howick thanks you for your commitment, and we wish you all the best as you prepare to create history at a club adored by so many.

With a record crowd expected rain, hail or shine, all of Howick is invited (as always) to come and celebrate this enormous achievement and experience Paparoa Park in full swing.

With two games remaining before finals, Howick’s Premier reserves will be looking to keep their unbeaten run going in the curtain raiser, kicking off at 12:45, after beating Pt Chev on Saturday 26 – 20.

These players are all extremely proud to represent Howick, and do so with distinction every week, so we at the Hornets encourage all of you proud locals to turn up and support them in numbers this Saturday, I promise you won’t leave disappointed.

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