星期五, 1 月 24, 2025

Veteran and RSA stalwart passes away


By PJ Taylor

It’s been a sad and emotional day with the passing of Ronald George Hulse, the loving father of my partner his devoted and caring daughter Janine.

A NZ Defence Force veteran who fought in the Korean War, Ron was well into his 89th year – his birthday was July 29 – and he went just after daybreak (Saturday, May 2) after a short battle with cancer, with Janine holding his hand.

Up until two months ago, Ron was living in his own home at Little Manly, Whangaparaoa, before being admitted to North Shore Hospital for treatment and then onto Halldene rest home and hospital in Red Beach.

Born in Huntly in 1931, Ron had a long and happy life and spent more than 60 years married to his one and true love Daphne, who passed away four years ago on Mother’s Day.

Among many interesting endeavours, adventures and roles throughout his life, Ron joined the Royal New Zealand Navy as an enthusiastic young buck at 15-16 and served in our Defence Force for many years including active combat duties in the Korean War.

He often said that he made the right decision to leave Huntly and run away to sea, as the alternative future of a working life in the sooty coalmines did not appeal.

The Hulse family were based in Howick for four decades and during that time Ron proudly served as president of the Howick Returned and Services Association after joining its ranks in 1962. He credited the late Russ Rice as his mentor.

He was, I’m pretty sure, the longest-serving living member of Howick RSA and he was awarded life membership in 2015. He was also a member of Silverdale RSA.

On a personal note, I extend my sincere condolences, sympathies and love to Janine and the extended Hulse family. You all loved Ron and he loved you.

It was a pleasure and privilege to have known Ron and to have called him my mate.

Since Daphne’s passing in 2016, Janine and I spent a lot of time with Ron and his devoted cat Beau, who we now have as our loyal and friendly companion at “Botany Cat Hotel”.

We are very grateful of these days we had together.

I knew Ron for seven years, in his gentle charming golden years, so I missed seeing him at his peak.

But I’ve learned in this period that Ron was a great people-person, who genuinely cared about others, the RSAs, his local communities and country.

He will always be remembered fondly. Rest in peace my dear friend, RG Hulse.

We also extend our heartfelt gratitude to the wonderful staff of North Shore Hospital, and especially Halldene rest home and hospital, for their care and consideration of Ron in his final days. Thank you.

HULSE, Ronald George (Ron),

Service No 11428, L/Seaman RNZN 

Privately cremated. A memorial service to celebrate Ron’s life will be held as soon as the family is safely able to do this 






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