星期三, 1 月 22, 2025

We need your feedback

Howick Local Board chairperson Adele White encourages people to submit feedback on Auckland Transport’s draft parking strategy.
  • By Adele White, chairperson Howick Local Board

Kia ora!

The Howick Local Board continues to hold workshops and business meetings online with a view to gradually moving back to face-to-face over the next couple of months.

We’ve attended a number of face-to-face events and meetings over the last two weeks indicating groups are feeling more comfortable with meeting in person. Many will have missed the company of others during this Covid-19 time.

Anzac Day

It was unfortunate the Local Board was unable to host the 11am Civic Event this year.

Auckland Council’s Civic Events team commenced planning for Anzac Day in August 2021.

Covid restrictions strongly influenced event planning, with our events team agreeing it was prudent to plan Anzac services on the basis we would be under the ‘red’ setting of the Covid-19 Protection Framework recognising the emerging peak of Omicron.

Howick RSA initially planned their Dawn Service to occur this way but as the traffic lights changed they were able to welcome the wider community.

This was, as usual, a well-attended and poignant commemoration.

The Howick Village Business Association’s sound and light show in Fencible Walk was a beautiful contribution to Howick’s Anzac commemorations and was remarked on by many.

Sincere congratulations to you all.

It was also lovely to see newly-planted public gardens looking great on Anzac Day.

Works in our ward

A safe new footpath has been constructed between Macleans Reserve and Quedley Court.

The new filter system for the Garden of Memories Water Feature has been completed.

Crews have continued to attend to requests from the public to have trees pruned due to footpath encroachment. Additionally, high winds have caused damage to a number of trees which have required pruning of broken branches, or removal if trees have fallen.

Showers at the Howick Recreation Centre have had an upgrade.

Please give feedback

We have heard from many concerned residents and business owners on these significant issues for the Howick Local Board area and which could affect you. Public feedback is currently being sought.

Auckland Transport Parking Strategy online at www.at.govt.nz/parkingstrategy by May 15.
Introduction of Medium Density Residential Standards that allow up to three homes of up to three storeys to be built on most residential sites without a resource consent. Go online to https://akhaveyoursay.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/housing by May 9.

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